"A Mood"

A Mood

It must be sweet to be a dog; 
To have no longing, no desire, 
For aught save food, the sun and wind, 
The cheerful fire. 

To love one master, serve him well; 
Be kicked, abused, left bleeding, sore; 
Then at his call to leap for joy, 
And love him more! 

To eat crumbs, and be satisfied; 
To lie and moan outside his door, 
In torment till he open it, 
Then, love him more! 

To tremble at his slightest frown; 
To shiver for pardon at his feet; 
Forgiven, to thrill with ecstasy; 
It must be sweet! 

"A Mood" as it appears in Ella Higginson's The Voice of April-Land and Other Poems (1903).

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